Saturday – Like Friday only not as bad

Another night to look forward to was coming up. I had hardly had a load of rest during the night shift on Friday, and after getting home, I remembered that the house was going to be subject to an open house during the afternoon. Exactly what I didn't need, when I was so tired. Still who am I to complain – much anyway?

At least today Sally and her cleaning posse did keep the noise down, and didn't wake me until about 1330 (1/2 hour before the open house). My room was quite tidy anyway, do I went out to the local mall, and sat in a coffee shop for a couple hours while waiting for the house to be empty, before returning to get ready for work.

I think what was making me really grumpy yesterday was that I was coming down with something, but I did manage to use some of my time wisely in the mall, and I now own about as much medicine as most chemists.

Night's were going to be easier than the Friday night, I thought, as my partner had informed me that he wasn't particularly feeling well, and not coming to work tonight.

Eventually someone did show up at the ambulance depot for me to work with. We were quite busy up until about 2 (8 hours into out 14 hour shift) in the morning, when the work started to quite down, and we headed back to the depot for some well deserved (in my eyes anyway) sleep.

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