Wednesday - Packing and Posting

I thought that I had better get my stuff organized and get everything ready for the grand move out on next Monday. Looking around my room, I thought I have accumulated an aweful lot of rubbish, since arriving in Perth in January.

I know that I am a little bit of a horder, and so I thought, I arrived here with one suitcase, and had two boxes of things sent out, so I must be able to pack up into that amount of luggage. Then I started to list what I had managed to acquire since arriving - car (don't need to worry about packing that into a box), DVD player (only very small), Printer (I've kept its box), and an armload of uniform (I've just ordered more, as the trousers no longer fit me - miles too big now, as the wieght has been falling off me), bedding, and a fan.

That will all fit into the car, so after packing up everything, I was pleased with myself. It only took about 30 minutes, and I threw out loads of paperwork. The room looks like a transit lounge now, with boxes and suitcases everywhere. It will be good for Monday to come around, and I'll be able to get them to the new house.

After that, I thought, I haven't been keeping in touch with a lot of people, so I wrote, and published a couple of days worth of entries onto the blog.

Thursday is the start of my shifts, and so I did have some other things to take care of - ironing shirts etc. very mundane.

So everything is a lot calmer at the house. I am looking forward to Monday, when the family arrives. I will unpack, but I'm not sure about the daily posting. I'll try to stick a lot of photo's on the web site though

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